Proctor’s Ledge Memorial: The Site of the Salem Executions

Gallows Hill in Salem, Massachusetts, is a popular area known for its connection to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. For many years, it was believed that the historical executions of the victims accused of witchcraft took place at the top of Gallows Hill. However, recently it was discovered that Proctor’s Ledge, a rocky area on the lower part of Gallows Hill, is the actual spot of the 19 hangings.

Identifying Proctor’s Ledge

Proctors Ledge Salem Witch Trials
Photo Credit: Trip Advisor

The confirmation of Proctor’s Ledge as the execution site resulted from the Gallows Hill Project, led by a team from Salem State University. The project combined historical records, maps, and modern technology such as ground-penetrating radar and GIS mapping. One critical piece of evidence came from the testimony of Rebecca Eames during the Witch Trials, who mentioned being at a “house below the hill” during the executions.

Sidney Perley, an early 20th-century historian, had previously identified Proctor’s Ledge as the possible execution site, but it was only through modern technology that it was confirmed. Radar revealed that there was not enough soil to bury bodies, supporting historical accounts that the victims’ bodies were retrieved by their family members and reburied in family plots.

The Memorial at Proctor’s Ledge

Proctors Ledge Salem Witch Trials at night
Photo Credit: Trip Advisor

In 2017, a memorial was dedicated at Proctor’s Ledge to honor the 19 victims who were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. The memorial includes a retaining wall with 19 granite blocks, each inscribed with the name of a victim and the date of their execution. This memorial serves as a place of reflection and education, acknowledging the tragic events and all the lives lost due to the witch trials.

The Historical Significance of Proctor’s Ledge

Proctors Ledge Salem Massachusetts
Photo Credit: Trip Advisor

Located at 7 Pope Street, Salem, MA, Proctor’s Ledge is named after Thorndike Proctor, a descendant of John Proctor, one of the victims who was executed. The now-protected site is located between two residential streets and behind a Walgreens, making it easily accessible. The site’s discovery and dedication of the memorial have provided a sense of closure and recognition for the visitors and their descendants.

Visiting Proctor’s Ledge

Proctors Ledge Salem Ma
Photo Credit: Trip Advisor

Proctor’s Ledge is located behind a Walgreens store on Boston Street and is close to the intersection of Proctor Street and Pope Street. The memorial is relatively close to other Salem attractions, making it easy to add to your list of places to see.

Proctor’s Ledge Memorial is outdoors and can be visited at any time. However, it is recommended to see it during the day so you can read all the text on the granite blocks.

Reviews of Proctor’s Ledge Memorial

Proctors Ledge Memorial Salem Ma 01
Photo Credit: Trip Advisor

“A visit to Salem wouldn’t be complete without seeing this site. It took the city nearly 300 years to identify the exact location of the hangings, which was confirmed in 2016 (they previously believed it was at the summit). Though it requires a bit of walking, it’s well worth it, especially if you take Essex Street most of the way, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful old houses along the route.”

“This simple memorial marks the burial and execution site of most of the 1692 witch trial victims. There are no commercial aspects here, and little explanation is provided about the site’s significance. It’s a place designed for reflection and contemplation.”

“This location represents a crucial piece of history that was nearly forgotten. It’s a significant stop on any history-focused visit to Salem, only discovered and confirmed in 2017 as the execution site of Salem Witch Trial victims, where their bodies were discarded into the ravine. The dignified memorial honors the souls who lost their lives here 330 years ago due to the greed and hysteria of family, friends, and neighbors who turned against them. It stands as a reminder that such events should never be forgotten.”

“Make a quick stop here to see the memorial and imagine how things would have looked back then. It’s challenging to picture hangings in this residential area and envision where the bodies were rolled off the hill into the crevice. Signs advise staying off the slope, so you can’t access the actual location. There are stories of one person retrieving a family member by rowing a boat up the river at night to get as close as possible to the site. While another higher hill with rocks is nearby, making this spot the confirmed location remains somewhat puzzling. Nevertheless, it is regarded as the general area. The memorial is beautiful. Parking is available on the side of the street, but be cautious as cars speed down the hill.”

Questions and Answers

Proctors Ledge Questions
Photo Credit: Salem Witch Museum

Why is Proctor’s Ledge important?

Proctor’s Ledge is important because it marks the actual place where those accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials were executed. For many years, it was believed that the executions took place at Gallows Hill, but historical research and ground-penetrating radar confirmed Proctor’s Ledge as the true site.

Is Proctor’s Ledge the same as Gallows Hill?

No, Proctor’s Ledge is located near Gallows Hill but is not the same place. For years, people believed that Gallows Hill was where the executions occurred. However, modern research, including evidence from historical documents and topography, pinpointed Proctor’s Ledge as the actual site of the executions.

Is Proctor’s Ledge haunted?

While some visitors and locals report feeling a somber or eerie atmosphere at Proctor’s Ledge, there are no confirmed reports of hauntings at the site. The area serves as a memorial and place of reflection for the victims of the Salem Witch Trials, rather than a haunted attraction.

How long should I plan to spend at Proctor’s Ledge?

A visit to Proctor’s Ledge is typically brief, with most visitors spending 15 to 30 minutes reflecting and observing the memorial. It is a quiet, contemplative site rather than an extensive attraction.

Are there any other memorials related to the Salem Witch Trials?

Yes, in addition to the Proctor’s Ledge Memorial, there is the Salem Witch Trials Memorial located in downtown Salem, which honors all 20 victims who were executed (19 by hanging and one pressed to death). The Rebecca Nurse Homestead in Danvers also serves as a memorial to one of the victims.

Final Thoughts

Proctors Ledge Memorial Salem Ma
Photo Credit: Trip Advisor

Today, Proctor’s Ledge extends beyond its historical context. It serves as a reminder of the dangers of mass hysteria and the miscarriage of justice. The site is a place for public reflection and remembrance, ensuring that the lessons learned from the Salem Witch Trials are not forgotten.